We are just building a collection of teleprinters, our majority of teleprinters come from Germany and Czech Republic. We would like to expand our collection by collecting from other countries. All dedicated people are invited to help us make our telex museum wonderful and to bring happiness and satisfaction to all lovers of communication technique.

Thank you for all your support.

Siemens T68d "SWISS ARMY"

Ten jsme přivezli z Německa, sloužil ve švýcarské armádě, najeto má jen 107 hodin. Zvláštností je ladička, která se používá k seřizování otáček motoru. Mám  tři kousky, jeden je již v chodu. Tyhle kousky sice mají děrovačku, ale nemají čtečku děrné pásky. Pomocí znakového kotouče tiskne jen na pásku, která se pak lepila na papír. Mám i originální manuál se sadou příslušenství. Viz video a telex švýcarské artmády v sekci Úvod.

Siemens T100S "HAM RADIO"

This piece is from the estate of the German radio amateur. It is functional, unfortunately there is no "FSG" box, which was places under the footrest. 

Siemens T37h "REUTERS telescrivente"

Ten mi poslali z Itálie z jednoho krámku s psacími stroji, má najeto 6000 hodin (!) a pracoval  v agentuře REUTERS (je na něm evidenční štítek REUTERS). Majitel o něm věděl jen to, že byl 35 let ve skladu jeho otce. Zatím jsem ho nezkoušel zprovoznit Zakoupeno přes eBay.

 RFT T51 "Polizei"

I have two pieces, they are newer versions. They served a police station, I got them from a policeman who used to work with them. I have an original manual with  a set of punch tapes 

Siemens T37h "Möbel deko"

This one came to me on a pallet from Schleswig-Holstein, they had it as a decoration. The teleprinter is very well preserved (almost like a new one-200hours of operation), there is a beautiful wooden case so big that we had a problem to put it in the back door of the pickup. It has neither a punch nor a reader.

Lorenz Lo15

It is in somewhat a bad condition. It is not yet operational.

Creed 7b

It is British made. We got it in Czech republic. This model was used in Czechoslovakia.

© 2016 Petr Janatka, dálnopisné poradenství
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